Enrollment Starting Soon

We are so excited to let you know that enrollment for our new Canyon Park school will be starting in a couple of weeks. The first invitations to enroll will go out February 26th! This email is a bit long, but it has a lot of important information, so please read through it carefully. We want to communicate as clearly as possible how the process will work.

Info Nights

You are considering enrolling in a school that is under construction. We expect that you probably have a number of questions. To help answer those, we will be hosting two online information nights, taking place on Tuesday, February 20th and Wednesday, February 21st. They will be hosted by Jess (our Head of Schools) and I and there may be glasses of wine present because we are building schools .


Please register for the info night by clicking the links below:

Link to Info Night #1 on Tuesday, 2/20 at 7:00pm

Link to Info Night #2 on Wednesday, 2/21 at 7:00pm

Due to the large number of people we expect to attend, we are inviting you to submit any questions you have ahead of time. This will allow us to answer as many questions as possible in a reasonable time frame. Each session will be recorded and we will make those recordings available for people who cannot attend live. Please submit any questions you may have with this form: https://forms.office.com/r/Q7Rw5nVTsF. If there is extra time, we will take questions during the event as well.

How Enrollment Will Work

There are currently hundreds of families who have expressed interest in enrolling and we want to make sure that we treat each of you fairly. Here is the process we have come up with to enroll the new school:

  1. You will receive an email inviting you to enroll with a link to Brightwheel, our student management system. These emails will be sent in groups and prioritized according to the date you signed up. The email will come from info@birchtreeacademy.com. While more people are signing up each day, with the current list, we expect this process to take a couple of months so please be patient as you wait your turn. As classes fill up, we will make sure to note that in these invitations.

  2. Click the link and log in or create an account in Brightwheel. Fill out the form with your information and your desired schedule and submit it. If you have more than one child you would like to enroll, fill out the form for each of them. Within each group, we will enroll children in the order that each request is received and you will have one week before we notify the next group. You can still submit your request after a week, there will just be more competition for spots. This will let us know your preference and is not a promise of a spot.

  3. If there is an open spot, you will receive an invoice to pay your enrollment fee and deposit in Brightwheel. The fee is $300 per family and is non-refundable. The deposit is your first month of tuition (amount will depend on age, see tuition info below) and is refundable if you choose not to enroll and let us know at least 60 days before the first day your child is scheduled to attend. If we don’t have room in your child’s age group, you can elect to stay on the waitlist for Canyon Park (and Woodinville) or see if there is an opening in another location.

  4. Once we have received your deposit, we will send you a confirmation email that you have a spot. This is when you know that your child will be able to attend when the new school opens.

Please respond with your preference as soon as you are able. This will make sure that there is time to work out any payment or scheduling issues before the next group of families is invited to enroll. It will also help us to notify the next group about any changes in availability such as a particular class filling up.

That’s all for now!



Information Night Recording


Enrollment Process